This Blogger is the written version of my "Arduino : How To Control Stepper Motor via Bluetooth (with Smartphone)"
In this project we will control a Stepper motor with a smartphone via bluetooth. My YouTube Channel First, you should see the following Instructable: How to Control a Stepper Motor With L293D Motor Driver
Hardware Required
- Bluetooth Module ( for example : HC05 or HC06 )
- Jumper Cables
Circuit & Connections
Bluetooth Modul VCC to Arduino 5V
(at the same time if you want, you can use 3V3)
Bluetooth Modul GND to Arduino GND
Bluetooth Modul RX to Arduino TX
Bluetooth Modul TX to Arduino RX
Create Application
Get the Application (Google Drive)
Get Code :-
int step_pin_1 = 8; int step_pin_2 = 9; int step_pin_3 = 10; int step_pin_4 = 11; float delay_time; int value_bluetooth = 0; String readString; void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); } void loop() { while (Serial.available()){ char c=; readString+=c; } if(readString.length() >0) { value_bluetooth =readString.toInt(); if (value_bluetooth > 0 ){ delay_time = 15; } else { delay_time=0; } Serial.println(value_bluetooth); digitalWrite(8, HIGH); digitalWrite(step_pin_2, HIGH); digitalWrite(step_pin_3, LOW); digitalWrite(step_pin_4, LOW); delay(delay_time); digitalWrite(step_pin_1, LOW); digitalWrite(step_pin_2, HIGH); digitalWrite(step_pin_3, HIGH); digitalWrite(step_pin_4, LOW); delay(delay_time); digitalWrite(step_pin_1, LOW); digitalWrite(step_pin_2, LOW); digitalWrite(step_pin_3, HIGH); digitalWrite(step_pin_4, HIGH); delay(delay_time); digitalWrite(step_pin_1, HIGH); digitalWrite(step_pin_2, LOW); digitalWrite(step_pin_3, LOW); digitalWrite(step_pin_4, HIGH); delay(delay_time); readString=""; } }
thank u so much